Thursday, June 10, 2010


Fish got some new rollerblades but Freckles is the one who has to give them a try!
They're just a little large. I'm sure she'll have her own rollerblades out of the closet before long and back on the street!

Seems like the grandkiddies' house is always the gathering place. This is a small crowd, usually there's 4-5 more friends playing. They ride their bikes, scooters, skate, have picnics and just have a good time. Mom says that Freckles can't even take time to eat breakfast...she has to get outside to see who's waiting to play!

Fish and Gracie enjoying the day...Fish in the shade but Gracie likes to sun herself either in the grass or on the patio. Bozeman, on the other hand, likes to explore around the yard and sniff at the turtles.

Talked to my good friend Teresa over the weekend. (This picture from Fish's birthday dinner about 3-4 years ago. He had written a book for her.) She and I became fast friends at work when she joined the company as a computer specialist. T has now moved to South Carolina to take care of her dad after her mother died. They live right on the coast and are very concerned about the possibility of the oil spill ruining their beaches and what all that will mean to their beach community. T's a dog lover also...she has Suzie (a Chinese Pug) and Spuds (Boston Terrier). T was Tom's computer guru and he still hollers out for her to help him whenever he gets frustrated with his computer problems. T was also the one who helped do all my packing when I was working in Siberia and we were in the middle of moving to our current house. Thanks, T, for saving my good dishes from Tom's packing!! Miss ya, T. Hope to see you soon!!! Take good care of your Dad!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Kira played ball again on Thursday night and what a night she had! She batted one triple and two doubles and hit several runners in at home. Above she is on third base with Dad giving her directions and encouragement.
Now she's down in position to run as the ball is being hit. She's the only one who gets ready and tries to anticipate what it coming next. Her dad has really worked with her a lot.

She's off and running and scores a run!
She always gets a "high 5" from Nan after scoring a run.
Celebrating after the win! The game on Friday night was cancelled by the other team. Good move as it was up to about 96 degrees today and that sun is pounding when they hit the field at 6:00 pm.

"You played a great game, Freckles!"

Note my lovely shoe fashion to help protect my big toe and keep me from bending it. It's amazing how much the big toe is a factor in all our movements.

Just had a call from Sister #2 and Jen. They are having fun in the sun again and spent the day with Cousin Gary buying fishing poles and getting fishing if they can just produce!

One last picture of Boze admiring the flowers....they seem to get a deeper color every day. We had a little shower night before last and it really brought out the color.
Tomorrow....the Antique Show and SunFest. We won't make SunFest this year but hope to feel like looking at a few of the antique booths.
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Today is the Happy Birthday of Shelley, Sister #1!!!!

I believe this picture is from her 1st birthday and we were probably at the farm. Mother probably made our cake and decorated it...not like today when we think we have to go buy a fancy decorated one with cartoon characters... That's me with her helping put the candle in the cake...I was such a helpful big sister!
She'll kill me for this picture but had to do it! Wasn't she a cutie? And such a beautiful smile!

Again, I'm being such a good, comforting big sister. We are here during harvest out in the wheat. Probably had been with Mother taking sandwiches and a cold drink out to Daddy and the rest of the hands that were helping him cut the wheat. I think Shelley was just right at one year old and obviously not happy about being made to sit on that scratchy wheat!
Love you sis. Have a happy day!


This is what happened to me on Memorial Day Friday as I was getting ready to go to see Mother. Tripped on the steps going out to the garage and fell flat. I knew I had broken my big toe as I felt it fold up underneath my foot. I also skinned up my left knee as I was falling but fortunately, no breaks! No time here for a broken leg! I had my reading glasses on and think I must have just mis-judged the steps.

It was nice of Gracie to share her pillow with me!
This was pretty much my position the rest of the weekend...
Tom took me to the emergency room at the suggestion of Sister #2. But the break was clean so no pin needed. The pain was more than I expected but the "happy" pills prescribed by the emergency room doctor helped a lot.

While I was laid up and Tom was nurse for the weekend, my kiddies were having fun at the lake! (This picture is from last year.) Sister #2 and her friend Jen were also there and spent a fun time on the boat and just enjoying the lake atmosphere. I was hoping I'd feel better by Sunday to go over for a while, but no such luck.

My kids came home on Tuesday, completely worn out and ready to get back to daily activities. Chris is home so things will be busy, ball will be played, laundry to do, ...
I did not get to Mother's to go to the Alumni Banquet or go with her and Sister #1 to decorate the graves, but will try again next year!