Fish got some new rollerblades but Freckles is the one who has to give them a try!

They're just a little large. I'm sure she'll have her own rollerblades out of the closet before long and back on the street!

Seems like the grandkiddies' house is always the gathering place. This is a small crowd, usually there's 4-5 more friends playing. They ride their bikes, scooters, skate, have picnics and just have a good time. Mom says that Freckles can't even take time to eat breakfast...she has to get outside to see who's waiting to play!

Fish and Gracie enjoying the day...Fish in the shade but Gracie likes to sun herself either in the grass or on the patio. Bozeman, on the other hand, likes to explore around the yard and sniff at the turtles.

Talked to my good friend Teresa over the weekend. (This picture from Fish's birthday dinner about 3-4 years ago. He had written a book for her.) She and I became fast friends at work when she joined the company as a computer specialist. T has now moved to South Carolina to take care of her dad after her mother died. They live right on the coast and are very concerned about the possibility of the oil spill ruining their beaches and what all that will mean to their beach community. T's a dog lover also...she has Suzie (a Chinese Pug) and Spuds (Boston Terrier). T was Tom's computer guru and he still hollers out for her to help him whenever he gets frustrated with his computer problems. T was also the one who helped do all my packing when I was working in Siberia and we were in the middle of moving to our current house. Thanks, T, for saving my good dishes from Tom's packing!! Miss ya, T. Hope to see you soon!!! Take good care of your Dad!
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