Freckles is playing T-Ball this year and their team is beginning to look pretty good. I think at this age they should just play to have fun and learn the game and not worry about winning or losing...but I'm definitely in the minority on that one. They love to win but don't seem to be upset if they don't.

(Waiting her turn to bat.) Notice how relaxed she is and doesn't appear to be at all nervous! Both boys and girls play on the team. Because Freckles has one of the best throwing arms and is the most accurate with her throws, she gets the prized position of pitcher. At this age, they don't actually pitch the balls but rather hit the ball off a stand. But the pitcher position gets to field most all of the balls that are hit. She does a really good job of throwing the ball to first base and listening for the ump to yell "BATTER OUT"!!!

Hitting her HOME RUN!

It's hard to get really serious about a game when you can always find someone in the field chasing butterflies, playing in the dirt or rolling around in the grass!

Freckles definitely has the genes from her Dad and Papa John when it comes to playing ball and her actions remind me so much of her dad when he was playing ball at that age. Leah is very involved with the team and helps them with their practices and keeps score (above picture) at every game.

Freckles is happiest playing ball when her dad is home (which he was last night). They spend hours in their front yard practicing, throwing balls, fielding ground balls, and taking batting practice. (Helps keep Chris in shape also....!). Freckles did her dad proud last night when she hit a HOME RUN! Give me five, Freckles...we are proud of you!
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