Hi, Welcome to my new blog! I have wanted to do this for such a long time and I hope you'll stick by me through my learning period!
I had some thoughts about naming this blog Bozeman and Gracie after our two shiz-tsu's. But the grandkiddies (Fish and Freckles) had such a fit that I would name it after the dogs instead of them, that I had to reconsider!
I'm not prepared to show any pictures of the day's happenings but I can tell you about Fish's attempt to save a baby bird from our back yard. All of a sudden I looked out the kitchen window and there were those pesky black birds dive bombing in the yard. On closer look, there was Fish waving my hoe over his head trying to protect himself (at least the hoe is being used for something....!) and Bozeman was trying to play with the baby bird. I started screaming as I am scared to death of birds...especially those in dive-bombing mode! We finally got Bozeman back in the house (and also Fish) and the baby bird was last seen hiding in the ivy under the trees. Hopefully, he will be out of the yard by tomorrow morning.
I'll close today with some beautiful flowers that were sent to my sister-in-law Sue who just lost her life to cancer. She is surely with her Father now and being reunited with her Mother and Dad. I've spent a lot of time the past few months getting to know Sue's family--her daughters who re-awakened my love of knitting as well as her sister Bobbi and her husband James, who have become great friends of ours. We will all miss this wonderful lady and I'll always treasure her friendship. (here's hoping that the picture ends up in the correct location....)