Yesterday (the 4th) was my little sister's birthday...I won't tell you her age but she's on the high side of another birthday that ends with a "0"! THis picture was taken a couple of weeks ago just as she had harvested her tomato plants. Nice crop! She is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first grandchild this month in Kansas City. It's going to be so much fun having a baby in the family again. Freckles was the last baby and that was 7 years ago! Hope you had a happy day, Sis, and more celebrating is to take place this weekend!

Speaking of tomato plants, mine have bit the dust this year. There are still a couple of greenies on the vines but I don't think they will survive the heat (116 degrees today!!!!!). If they do manage to make it, the turtles are right there with their little mouths in the air just pecking away at those beautiful greenies. I feed the turtles ripe tomatoes and cucumbers about every other day but that doesn't seem to keep them out of my crop!

This was my backyard today. It's green because we have been watering. The Rose of Sharon is blooming and has grown since last year. The Crepe Myrtles were all frozen back this winter when we had 29 degrees BELOW ZERO! So, they had to all be cut back and we'll start all over again. They have a few blooms on them but the height will take a couple of more years to come back. The saddest part about the back yard is my hydranga plant. I've only had a few blooms on it this year compared to last year's. Take a look at the following picture from last year and you can see how sad the situation is!

Bozeman has had his fun this spring and summer chasing the bunny rabbits around our back yard that come and go. He never catches them but he keeps on trying! He did manage to try to play with a little bird that fell out of the nest and wasn't quite ready to fly. Bozeman just wanted to play with it, but unfortunately, the bird didn't make it...RIP. Gracie Girl was just content to watch all the activity from the family room. It takes a lot to get her up and moving. However, she's always ready for her morning walk and they both drive me crazy until I give in and take them out. Since it's been so hot, we've been trying to get out earlier in the morning and usually manage to get in the way of a couple of sprinklers that are going on the yards. But, it does keep us cool!