Father's Day was celebrated at our house Sunday evening. We honored 4 fathers--Tom, Chris, Lonnie and Mike (friend of Chris and Leah). Landon and I made Pioneeer Woman Lasagna (really a great recipe!), salad with Kristi's dressing and strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Tom and Chris both got a rechargeable LED spot light. It charges through your cigarette lighter so you always have access to a bright light in the car. Chris wore part of his Father's Day presents--new clothes since he's lost quite a bit of weight. He also received wireless tv headphones so Leah can sleep at night when Chris is home!
Mike and his wife Krista..... (of course, Bozeman has to be in the middle of everything!)
Lonnie finally got a watch that works and looks really sharp as well as new Polo shirt, shorts and hat! Tres is in the middle of her summer ballet workshop. One week down and one week to go. Landon's been busy drawing and reading a new series of books this summer. I've latched on to his Kindle since New York City so he's back to hard cover/paperbacks. Thanks, Fish!
Freckles has also been busy drawing this summer in between her busy social neighborhood life! And of course, swimming at Puma's! We've had to use the aloe vera plant already on her sunburn and now Puma's got a bad sunburn. It's hard to keep that sunscreen on! Maddie (on the right) is Mike and Krista's daughter and she and Freckles are good buds.
Mike's boys were also along. It was a good day and always fun to have everyone at our house! The next big celebration will be 4th of July!!!